Wednesday 22 January 2014

Paint, projects and play

We are heading into the last two weeks of our summer holidays here, which I'm a little sad about. It's been a pretty great holiday so far - the kids have been (mostly) nice to each other and we have had a bit of sun which is always a bonus! We have been painting more of the house over summer and it's almost done, so I'll hopefully have some photos to share of that in the next week or so.

I'm starting to think about what I want to work on once the kids are back at school and I have a bit of day time sewing again. I'm still not sewing a whole lot at the moment, but I have been working a little bit on a couple of projects. Most of my time has been spent working on my Liberty Charm quilt (which I haven't managed to photograph well yet) and tutorial, although I did start a new project last week. This is the centre of the medallion quilt I've designed. It did require a bit of crafty unpicking to get the centre square points matching up, but I'm happy with how it came together. I can't wait to add some more borders to it! I'm thinking about writing this one up as a pattern - so if anyone would be interested in testing a medallion quilt pattern, please let me know :o)

In other exciting news, I finally organised my new design wall in my sewing space. The wall next to my sewing cabinet was a large sheet of chipboard, so we just nailed some large scrap pieces of batting to the board, et voila!

It's pretty huge (around 80" high by 90" wide) and I'm hoping that by leaving my WIPs hanging on it and seeing them all the time, it will motivate me to work on them ;o) It's certainly working for my winged square bee blocks - I can't wait to put them together!!

We are heading off for a week long break at the end of this week, and my machine desperately needs a service, so I'll probably be a bit silent again for a few weeks. I'm hoping to get most of my MATO applique done and more of my Bring Me FLowers blocks as well.

I hope everyone is well, and apologise if I haven't responded to comments in a while - I am planning on getting up to date on my emails this week!

xx Jess


Katy Cameron said...

Ha, good luck with that WIP prompting! I need to hang the pole for my batting/design wall to hang from when I stop working all over the country and back home next week!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the school holidays are treating you well. I am so ready for the kids to go back to school. In the last week they have gone stir crazy. And we have had too much sun. Some days it has been too hot to even leave the house (today being one of those days). It doesn't help matters.

I love seeing what is on your design wall. Even if it doesn't work as a motivational tool, at least it's pretty to look at :)

Ella said...

*raises hand for pattern testing* I'd love to test one for you. You have such an amazing aesthetic! I'm not completely free with time until my class's play is over, mid-Feb.

nicole said...

Love the start of your medallion quilt! And i so desperately want to volunteer for testing, i think though i may have enough on my plate for the next couple months.
Your ghetto design wall is fantastic, though not quite as cool as my slice and dice flannel backed cupcake tablecloth design wall ;)

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

So I was going to comment on that beautiful medallion center and those overlapping HST goodies, but then some crazy person in front of my mentioned a cupcake design wall and it totally threw me off. (insert IG tag for Nicole here). :o) Enjoy the break and relaxation and kids being friendly!

Susan said...

You medallion centre reminds me a little bit of a secret project I'm doing for a craft magazine. But yours is very pretty. I'm more than happy to help with pattern testing when the time comes. Enjoy the last of the summer holidays.

Dana said...

Hello! I'd be up for pattern testing. Is it just the center of the medallion quilt that you need tested or the whole shebang? Either way, I can make the time.

Dianne Neale said...

Yes Jess, I'd love to do a pattern test again for you. I've been hankering after a medallion quilt for a while, although heaven help me I don't need another quilt! Could you give me an idea when, although By the sound of it it may be a while before you are ready, so that's good

Charlotte said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep - those HSTs are GORGEOUS!!!!! *steals them*

Di said...

Please write the tutorial!
Have a good holiday and relax.
Di x

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Those winged squares are awesome! Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

Jennifer said...

I'd love to test out a medallion pattern for you! I blog at (just started in January) but I've been quilting for 5 years!

Heather D. said...

So jealous of your design wall! You can fit a lot of stuff up there. Love the HST quilt design on the left.

Nicky said...

Yes get a move on with those Winged Squares! I want to see that quilt finished - well the top at least!