Monday 16 December 2013

Fabriholics Anonymous - The UFO list

So, it's time for a bit of a Fabriholics Anonymous update. D-day is looming pretty fast (fifteen days people!!) but it's not too late to decide to join us if you too think a fabric intervention is necessary. We've decided to offer periodic linky parties throughout the fabric fast year, so we can virtually hold each other through the inevitable difficulties associated with not buying fabric. I'm panicking already! I have been doing a bit of pre-fast fabric buying so that hopefully I won't run out of anything in the first half of the year at least. This has mostly meant buying low volume fabrics rather than yards of background fabric - I haven't used a solid background in any of the quilts I started this year, so I figure it's a sensible option for me. Jodi has just finished up a year-long fabric fast, and has written an excellent post reflecting on how it went, so I would really recommend checking it out if you would like some advice.

So welcome to linky party number one - the WIP list (head over to Rebecca's blog to link up). I've split mine down into priorities (I have a few deadlines at the moment), and then into groups based on what stage the project is at. This isn't a complete list of my UFOs - but I will add to this post as I find more. There are a few that I have fallen out of love with, so I will probably do another post soon offering them to anyone who would like to finish them :o)


Midnight at the Oasis - I am woefully behind on my QAL already, but I'm hoping to knock over the applique over summer.

Lipari Stars: Due mid January. I've made six of eighteen blocks so far.

Liberty Charms: Due end of January. I've started piecing this one.

There are several of these, but only one has a definite plan at this stage.

Medallion quilt - I've designed a medallion quilt using this bundle, and really want to make a start on it ASAP.


Colourblock Quilt

Modern Sampler

Tea for Two

Giant Stars (two of these, intended to put them in my etsy shop)

Quilts I've started...

Plus quilt - all cut, just need to piece and quilt.


Lucky Square

Mendocino quilt

Low volume cross quilt

So next year is looking slightly busy on the quilty front. Are you tempted to join us at all?

xx Jess


Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

I am going to make next year all about wips and ufo's....not sure if I can commit to not buying fabric though!

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

Where has that Mendocino quilt been hiding?!? I'm not 100% sold on the fabri-fast ( husband on the other hand sees no downfalls to it). But if you ever find yourself in a pinch midway through next year I'm happy to post whatever you need (taken from my own unwieldy collection, of course).

Linh said...

I've been dreading making a UFO list but it had to be done thanks for sharing all your projects look great and o much fun. I love to start new stuff all the time wish I was as good at finishing.

CapitolaQuilter said...

Good luck. I think less fabric binge buying would go a long way for me for starters. Last year I made a New Years Resolution to make tops into quilts and putting the binding on my 9th and final which feels great.

DeborahGun said...

oh wow - you have so many gorgeous UFO's! I need to get in my last fabric shop before the end of December! I just can't decide what I need though!

Leigh Anne said...

Yep, I'm in. Worked on fleshing out my very lengthy project list today. It's actually too long to put in a post so I gave it a page all it's own :)

Erin @ Once Upon a Donkey said...

Nope, not tempted... AT ALL. ;)

But I will definitely be cheering you guys on. Great list of projects to keep you amused. All those quilts are awesome!!

Carla said...

Wow I love all your projects. The low volume cross is wonderful

Susan said...

Yes, I am tempted.....I will have a think about my UFO's and my 'to-do' list for 2014. Do I have until the end of the year to decide? I love your Hopscotch quilt and Tea for Two!

dutchcomfort said...

I know I won’t be able to resist buying new fabric! I hope to finish a lot of projects in 2014 that I started way back!

Deborah said...

What an amazing list! Such beautiful quilts in the works! I'm pretty careful about buying fabric. I don't "binge" very often. I do like the idea of trying to create as much as I can with what I have.

Katy Cameron said...

I'm tempted to send you some nice men to give you one of those lovely jackets that let you hug yourself, and then lead you to one of those nice padded rooms... ;o)

amy said...

seriously drooling over your lipari stars!!!!

Rachaeldaisy said...

I'm finding that I've been less tempted by fabrics lately. I think I'm realising how much I already have so I don't feel the need to go cold turkey. I'll cheer you guys on though. You have a great list of awesome projects there!!

Mystic Quilter said...

Well - looks like you're busy too!
Good for buying fabric before our starting date, I would love to buy more but fan already being very focused and decided not too.

Mystic Quilter said...

Sorry - me again i did mean to say that I loved the Lipari Stars pattern - this would be one I could see myself making.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

The whole idea fills me with dread!!! Good luck! xxx

Pip said...

I am tempted, don't know if I could last 6 months let alone a year, although I have been concentrating on finishing quilts and not starting any new ones, so I might just be able to do this, need to think on it a bit more.

Indianna said...

I love your hopscotch quilt, the colours are really zingy...hope you make it into a great spring quilt.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Lots of lovely stuff xxx

Carli The Quilter said...

Great selection to finish, i'm on mine over the holidays.

Heather D. said...

Oh wow, so many pretty projects Jess!

Also, love your new profile pic (it is new, right? I've sort of fallen off the blog bandwagon lately!)

Rebecca Lynne said...

This is awesome and hilarious - I am also thinking of doing a homegrown medallion as you've totally gotten me hooked on medallion quilts. But I need to finish the other two I started first!

Michelle said...

Great UFO list -
So after much thought I have decided to join up on the FABRIC FAST, and would like to link. My question is do I have to have a blog (honestly I don't know how to log into my blog ... its been a while) or an I link up with a flickr acct?

suemac said...

I just took pictures of my bundles that are ready to cut into pieces for some yummy quilts. Lots more than I thought. All I have left to do is get a bolt of white background fabric with Christmas money and I will be ready to fast.

Pat V. said...

This post has inspired me to list my UFO's -- well, at least some of them! Already weakening on the fabric diet -- Craftsy sent me a 40% off coupon, those terrible, terrible people! Struggling to resist temptation!

Unknown said...

Tea for Two...this pattern if use floral prints are used could be renamed Garden Maze....and instead of using white strips find a marbled print to represent the walking path of the maze. Just a thought.