Sunday, 8 September 2013

Quilting along. Again.

I knew there was a reason I'd resisted the lure of Instagram for so long. Earlier in the week I was innocently browsing my IG feed, and came across the Marcelle Medallion QAL (#mmqal) being hosted by Penny Poppleton. I've been wanting to make a Marcelle Medallion quilt since all the beautiful versions started popping up around blogland over the last few months - and honestly I though I was safe from it for a while longer since I didn't have the pattern. But then (fate??) I was in Spotlight with my daughter collecting a few supplies for another project on Wednesday, and she spotted Liberty Love and picked it up off the shelf (she is obviously a very well trained three year old ;o) ). How could I resist any further in the face of that?

So I'm quilting along. Again. 

I pulled this pretty pile of fabric yesterday afternoon, using the LouLouThi print at the bottom for my colour inspiration. I will definitely be adding a few more fabrics (especially more oranges) but this is my starting point. 

I'm not a fan of templates or y-seams, so I drew up the central star block in EQ7 last night and started paper piecing it. I finished putting it together tonight, and I'm pretty happy with it. My points are pretty awful in some spots (and that's after unpicking a few times), but I think overall they won't be too noticeable. I do like the colour combo though (night time photo, so the colours here are a bit off).

I am still working on quilting the Full Moon Lagoon quilt - and trying to catch up on some bee blocks - so this week is looking pretty busy on the sewing front! I hope everyone had/ is having a great weekend :o)

xx Jess


Renee said...

Oh I love those medallion quilts! And your fabrics are so pretty, I can't wait to see what you do with yours.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Can't wait to see your progress on this one! Your points look great!

wobblybobbin said...

I always love your color combos, but this one takes the cake :) it's beautiful! I wasn't brave enough to try those y-seams either, so it's going to be EPP for me.
Can't wait to see what your next border will be!

Quilting In The Cold said...

Oh Jess it is going to be stunning. I love the fabrics you have chosen.

Anonymous said...

Oh no I sooo wish I could join in :( I've got that quilt on my list for 2014.

It looks really great!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Oh Jess! Fabulous fabric for inspiration, gorgeous selection and your start is awesome! I think your makes just get better and better!

Catherine said...

Found you on IG :-). Love this, those fabrics are fabulous

Charlotte said...

gorgeous palette - can't wait to see it progress!

Susan said...

I agree with Lucy! You just get better with your creations every time. Great colour and fabric selections!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I hate templates and Y seams too. I managed to make this centre for a cushion but am too thick to make a paper pieced pattern myself - care to share with me??? xxx

Katy Cameron said...

I think I 'hearted' your fabric pull on IG already, but I do like where this is going :o)

Di said...

A medallion quilt is definitely on my 'want to make' list. I will enjoy seeing yours come together in those gorgeous fabrics. Di x

Kirsten said...

Looks lovely Jess - so tempted to join in the MMQAL too!

Nancy@owensolivia said...

Ha! I'm working on Full Moon Lagoon too, but it will take me awhile to finish it since it's EPP. I have wanted to make the medallion quilt, but I don't own the book. Maybe I could improv? Or would that be bad taste? Yours will turn out beautifully for sure!!

Jeannette Bruce said...

Jess! This is going to be awesome. Love your pull and your start thus far, but then your work never disappoints me.

Unknown said...

Looks great, Jess! I'm almost tempted to do another one....almost!

Rebecca Lynne said... know I'm going to have to join now too! First you are using AMH inspiration and then to see it on IG. Agh! So, can you throw a girl some help by sharing that paper pieced template? I love nothing more than paper piecing!!!

Carla said...

Fabulous medallion! I really want to make that quilt, but the centre is scaring me

Rachaeldaisy said...

Awesome fabric choices!! And your points look excellent to me!

Heather D. said...

Gorgeous so far, Jess! I love your stacks of fabric.

I'm not on IG but I'd love to be. I don't even have a cell phone or any mobile camera picture taking device like that. Am considering getting an ipod touch though.

Dana said...

I bought the book, looked at the pattern, and put it away. If you decided to share the paper piecing, I would totally join right in! That center is the only thing holding me back.
yours looks lovely!!!!

Sharon said...

You chose great fabrics for your star. I pp mine, too, and like it way better than templates!
It's fun to see all the variations on Penny's