Friday, 24 May 2013

Locally grown

The fabric printing industry in Australia isn't huge, but we are lucky to have a handful of incredibly talented independent designers who produce some pretty amazing fabric. Saffron Craig is one of our better known designers, along with Umbrella Prints - but there are a couple of others I wanted to draw your attention to as well. 

I've long been a fan of Surface Art fabrics - I made my sewing machine cover and mat using their amazing Mikko print, printed on a cotton canvas. They mostly print on a range of home-dec weight fabrics (cotton canvas, linen, drill) and have some truly funky designs. 

Sewing Machine Cover

A more recent discovery is Maze and Vale, run by Leslie Keating in Melbourne. When Leslie announced on Facebook last week that she'd listed a handful of sample packs in her etsy shop, I clicked through straight away and ordered one. I am SO glad I did - these fabrics are something else entirely. The basecloth is ah-mazing, with a really rich texture - and I absolutely adore her designs. I have absolutely no idea what I'll do with these yet - something very simple and improv I think, possibly a cushion. For now though, they are too gorgeous to cut into. 

xx Jess


Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Love your sewing machine cover! I am going to check out Cat & Vee's panels tomorrow at the Mad Quilters Show in Brissie, hopefully will get to say Hi to Catherine too!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

that sample pack is gorgeous!!

Annabella said...

The sewing machine cover is gorgeous!! I love the Australian fabric I see and I have to say that the Aussie blogs I follow are among my top faves and I'm really not just saying that :) You are obviously a crafty lot!

Steph Blair said...

lovely! Are there many other austrailian fabric designers out there? I'd love to take a look at some more aussie inspiration!

CapitolaQuilter said...

Love the machine cover. I have a bit of Saffron Craig that I treasure and thanks for introducing me to Umbrella Prints, vey nice.

Heather D. said...

The sewing machine cover and mat are AWESOME! I love red.

Unknown said...

Love your machine cover too! The print is amazing.

Vicki said...

Love all of these fabrics. The cover and mat are wonderful!

Newbie Jen said...

Oh I love it! I really need a cover and matching mat. Wish I could just steal yours!

Katy Cameron said...

I've heard of all of these before, but the most I've been able to afford so far is some Umbrella Prints Trimmings lol Enjoy!

cat and vee xoxo said...

That fabric on your sewing machine cover is just beautiful! I need to go and find Surface Arts. I have a little Maze and Vale scrap pack too - gorgeous colours and designs. Lovely post Jess, there are some amazing designs and printing coming out of Australia! x

Nat at Made in Home said...

Amazing fabrics! Love there'd one you used for your sewing machine!