Sunday 22 July 2012

It's growing slowly...

Since I posted last, I actually managed to make some good progress on my Hopscotch quilt (any ideas for names for this one? I've decided my quilts deserve better names that the obvious descriptive ones I come up with. And considering I even struggled to name my babies, I have no hope on coming up with good names for quilts...)

I apologise for the awful photos - one of my kids has been trying to poke their fingers in my camera shutter which has caused havoc with it's focus and ability to photograph. On top of that the light here has been terrible (plus this is all stuck on my design wall so I can't move it to better light. So you'll have to bear with me :o)) So it grew from this:

And with a few more blocks and a bit of swapping around it now looks like this:

Roughly 1/3 done (well 23 blocks done of 77, so close enough). You can see how it's trying to migrate off the design wall - my solution is to tape a piece of batting to the door next to it, and use that as a dodgy design wall extension. I'm really scared about putting the blocks together - I am pretty sure my points are going to be a nightmare.

I've also been working on finally putting together my little guy's quilt - he helped me design and choose fabrics for it months ago, and I keep putting him off which I feel terrible about. But he keeps coming into my sewing room and declaring how awesome the Hopscotch quilt is and how since I haven't made him a quilt yet, it will have to be his (I love 7 year old common sense!) So I've promised I will make his first before I finish Hopscotch :o) No photos yet, but they will be coming (along with a tutorial I hope!)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

x Jess


Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Looks good!! Hmm, what about Limeade?

Kristy QP said...

Loving how this is coming together! I'm absolutely hopeless at names - sorry! But it's looking great!

Catherine said...

this is such a great pattern and I love the colours that you are using

Katy Cameron said...

Looking good so far

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

It looks great! I love the colours!

Needled Mom said...

It is awesome looking!!!!

Charlotte said...

looking fab - I love the colour scheme!

Deborah said...

I;m another one who is enjoying these colors!! It's fun to watch it grow!

Cherie said...

The blocks are looking great so far. Possibly green with envy for the name =D

Di said...

Great colours and pattern. As for a name - green stones! Can't think of any other name. Di x

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I agree about names, I find it so hard! I love it and like hopscotch as a name, although I also like the suggestion of limeade! X

Kelly said...

This is looking fab - love the fabrics you have picked.