Tuesday, 3 December 2013

I made a dress!

My little sister is getting married next March, and she has asked me to be one of her bridesmaids (eeeep!). Which is why I've made a dress - this isn't the bridesmaid version, but I wanted to test out the pattern before I dove into making it for real. I did do a bit of garment making before I started making quilts, but it's been a couple of years since I have made anything for myself. I'd completely forgotten how much fun it is!

The pattern I used is the Crepe dress pattern by Colette patterns. It's rated as a beginner pattern which is pretty spot on. It is a wrap style dress, which eliminates having to do buttons or zips, and makes it relatively easy to get the fit right. It is has several darts on the bodice, and the facing around the arms was a bit tricky (there are some very tight curves to sew) but other than that it was pretty easy to make.

I didn't make any adjustments to the pattern - I'm pretty much a standard size for my bust, waist and hip. I made the size 12 version - although the bodice is a wee bit baggy so I'm considering making the size smaller for the 'real' dress. I'm incredibly camera shy, which is why these photos look like I'd rather be anywhere else than having these taken ;o)

One of my favorite things about this dress is that it has pockets. And it is a very flattering style for those of us with ample curves. I used a quilting cotton for this version - a DS print from Spotlight. I think I will end up making several of these for summer - it is extremely comfortable and easy to wear.

xx Jess


Ella said...

It looks fabulous! I can't wait to see the other future versions!

Jessica said...

Cute cute cute! You look so pretty! It's fun seeing your face :D

Susan at TheBoredZombie.com said...

It looks fantastic! It will make a great bridesmaid dress for sure. Congrats! :)

DeborahGun said...

its brilliant Jess - really suits you :-) On my list for next year to have a go!

Renee said...

It looks great on you! I agree the bodice looks a little loose--can't see the bride's maid dress and changes you make for it!

Leanne said...

It is really cute style on you, and I agree you need to size the whole thing down a size or two. It will be a really nice bridesmaid dress, comfortable and pretty.

Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Go you!!! I actually like the back view of the dress - as in, I'd want THAT side as a dress for me, haha! Can't wait to see it in the final fabric!!

DaniQuilts said...

It's almost as beautiful as you are! Although I agree, it is a tad big in the bosom, but the back looks gorgeous!! Very inspiring. I may have to look into garment making....

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

A really cute dress! The bridesmaid version will be stunning!

Carli The Quilter said...

Jess, well done! You look lovely and you're so great that you made a dress you'd wear at a wedding!! Bonus points!

Susie said...

Fantastic dress and looks wonderful on you.

Jodi Godfrey said...

Oh, I love it! I'll have to make it once I'm past the pregnant/breast feeding stage. I think it would suit my body type too! Love the print you chose too!

Anonymous said...

It looks really great! I think it would be a good style for me too (as I have curves a plenty).

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

That's fab,

Mystic Quilter said...

What a great dress - like the idea of no zips or buttons!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Agree with everyone about the size....but it is still a great looking dress! Love that the wrap is on the back and the sleeves look interesting too!

Annabella said...

You've done a fab job Jess and you look lovely! How exciting to have a family wedding coming up :)

Dianne Neale said...

Clever you! I love the cross over on the back.

Charlotte said...

it's fab! You look lovely in it :-D

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Jess it is gorgeous, that's a fabulous print! Can't wait to see the smaller bridesmaid version :-)

moira said...

gorgeous, and I would go for the smaller size. I have this pattern and have been dithering but I might just jump in now!

Catherine said...

What a gorgeous dress

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

it's beautiful!

Heather D. said...

It's really cute Jess! I'm no garment sewer but I do think you could get away with the smaller size. Looking forward to seeing the actual bridesmaid dress later on!

Katy Cameron said...

Very cute! Do you have to make a flotilla of dresses, or just one for you?

Rachaeldaisy said...

That is a gorgeous dress and it looks brilliant on you!

Kirsten said...

Your dress looks lovely Jess - and so nice to see a photo of you too:)

Oops-Lah said...

Both you and the dress are looking terrific! Well done, you are clever.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Great choice for a bridesmaid dress! I agree, the bodice could go down a size, especially by the way it fits in the back. You may even want to try another muslin before going to the "real" fabric.

Nicky said...

Not sure why you are camera shy - you look really lovely Jess! Agree the dress is a bit loose but I'm sure you'll manage a better fit next time! Don't forget to leave room for eating and dancing!