Sunday, 11 August 2013

Quilting a forest

Thanks for all your lovely feedback on the Forest QAL quilt top - it is now basted and I've started quilting the first block. I decided to start with the Aspen Grove, as I had a bit of an idea what I wanted to do with it (and I want to quilt the 'pages' before I tackle the background).

I decided to quilt the grey ground sections with micro pebbles - most of these are about 1/4" or 1/2" in diameter. My arms were SO sore after doing these! I think tiny little movements in quilting are much more demanding on the muscles than larger ones. I used a variegated Aurifil (4670) 40wt thread, and the texture is gorgeous. I also love the variation from really light grey pebbles through to darker ones - to me it really suits the block. For the green, I've just quilted in the ditch along the seam lines, so the trunks and leafy sections really pop against the grey.

I'm not sure about the rest of the block. I've quilted vines and leaves across most of it which looks okay (not brilliant though - although it blends so well it won't really be noticeable whatever I do.). I might go back and do some dense quilting around the vines later, but I'll wait until I've done some of the other sections before I decide.

I'll be leaving the rest of this for a little while, so I can work out how to tackle the other pages. And so I can catch up on the last three months worth of bee blocks!!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

xx Jess


Katy Cameron said...

They look great, but didn't you learn from me last year that mini pebbles are absolute arm killers? ;o)

Susan said...

This is looking brilliant Jess! I love the pebble quilting! Just think of the biceps you'll be developing!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Looks fantastic!! You are so right about the little movements. But your do very nice neat pebbles.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Wow! The pebbles look amazing, this will be such a stunning quilt. Yeah give your arms a break and make bee blocks ;)

Nicky said...

My arms are hurting for you! It does look great though! I guess no pain, no gain!??

Susan at said...

Very cool!! The text fabric really does make it look just like birch trees!

I'm working on a quilt at the moment that makes me break out in a sweat. No one ever claims quilting is for the weak! :D

Charlotte said...

looking fab! Those pebbles are most impressive :-D

Unknown said...

The pebbles were a brilliant choice! Definitely have a sore neck just thinking about it!

Vicki said...

Oh my....this is so wonderful!

Leanne said...

Who knew that one could consider quilting a muscle building exercise, if it hurts it is probably also making you stronger. The pebbles are wonderful and I think the ribbon is a good compliment so that the pebbles stay centre stage.

Sharon said...

Very impressed with your pebble quilting! I have such a hard time quilting round, they don't turn out very round.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This wonderful! I think you need a rest :)

Anonymous said...

Love the micro pebbles.

Anonymous said...
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Heather D. said...

Wowzer, look at those teeny pebbles! It's looking great so far.

Erica said...

Wow, this is amazingly beautiful.

Unknown said...

I love the pebbles!!! Can't wait to see the rest!

Ella said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing the progress. I can't wait to see more bits!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

oooh, yummy, i should think you need a break to let your muscles recover too!

Rebecca Lynne said...

GORGEOUS!!! Jess, In Love. Can I Pin?? xo B

Becky said...

Looks great! I also struggled with how to quilt this one. I like your "solution" far better than mine :-). This QAL certainly has stretched my limits, in a good way! Can't wait to see it finished!

nicole said...

Love love love! The pebbles are just perfect! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest!

SueAnn W said...

Oh my heavens! This is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

I can't wait to see this block finished!

Anonymous said...

Another great looking quilt coming up. Love the pebble quilting.

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

So you're pretty much brilliant and I should just stop with mine now because this hands down is going to be the show stealer ;)

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