Thursday 15 August 2013

Fabric Stashing

Over the last week or so, I've seen a few people posting pictures of their stash as part of the linky party Sarah is hosting - and because I have recently organised my stash, I thought it would be fun to join in :o)

So onto the fabricy goodness. My fabric stash doesn't actually live in my sewing room - my sewing space is pretty tiny and I have a ridiculous  pretty big stash of fabric, so it all lives in our bedroom. Which I love - although it's quite distracting trying to go to sleep when I can look at all this loveliness ;o) It does make it a wee bit difficult to hide fabric purchases from my other half though. I have a real addiction when it comes to fabric - and I'm a total fabric geek. I love finding out of print fabrics from my favorite designers on ebay and etsy, and spend a lot of time browsing fabric shops on the interwebs. I've been on a self-imposed fabric diet this year though - I've been pretty good so far :o)

I have a pretty huge open fronted shelf unit that houses my fabric - this part of our bedroom doesn't get any direct sunlight on it, so I don't have any issues with fabric fading. You'll probably notice some little yellow things on each shelf - they are there to keep moths away. I think they're working - as yet I've never found any holey fabric (touch wood!).

I don't have much of a system really. As you can see, most of it is organised by colour - but I don't discriminate based on size of pieces. There is everything from fat quarters through to several yards stacked in there. I fold my fabric based on Jeni's tutorial - and happily I can fit four stacks in each of the shelves quite comfortably using her method.

 Please excuse the mess on the bottom couple of shelves - I haven't quite finished the organising ;o)

So, some detail shots of what's actually hiding in those shelves. First up is my Melody Miller and Echino stash (plus a few other linen pieces). These live up the top, since I don't tend to pull them out all that often when pulling fabric for a quilt. 

The blues - definitely the largest of the colour groups in my stash. I seem to be a sucker for a good blue print - I definitely need to make a mostly blue quilt at some stage soon. At the moment some of it is sorted by hue and value - but this tends to disintegrate into a mess fairly quickly.

Greens and browns. I really need to work on getting a bit more variation into my green stash - I don't have many darker greens, and the vast majority are limey rather than emerald or kelly green. Same goes for browns - I'm very much drawn to deep chocolatey browns, but I probably should try to get some lighter ones in there.

These are a few designers and collections I just can't bear to split up. This is actually a very small portion of my Tula Pink stash (on the far left) - the rest are in a tub in my sewing room while I'm working (albeit very slowly at the moment) on my City Sampler quilt. Violet Craft is in there too, along with my slowly growing Heather Ross stash. The far right pile is Full Moon Lagoon by Mo Bedell - my most recent acquisition, which I can't bear to split up quite yet.

Multicoloured and novelty prints.

Neutrals and low volume. This is my most used shelf by far - and won't stay this organised for very long.

Pinks and purples. For someone who admittedly doesn't like pink very much at all, I actually have a surprisingly large amount of pink.

The 'special' shelf. This one is right at the top as well, and houses my Salt Water collection (I bought a yard bundle of the entire line. Love it.), Good Folks, Liberty Tana Lawn, and a few other AMH prints (mostly Garden Party).

Yellow, orange, reds. I really need to work on my yellow stash - I have a quilt in my head that is going to need a way better range of yellow and ochre prints.

So that's it. The bottom couple of shelves mostly hold my Kona solids, and some larger pieces of backing fabric (to be organised when I get a chance).

I'm off to ogle other people's stashes now ;o)

xx Jess


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for linking up. Your stash is just beautiful! I love that it's in your bedroom. Ha ha, I'd never sleep!

Fascinating that you are so specifically drawn to certain designers and lines. I can feel myself leaning that direction lately. I can't believe I wasn't around for Good Folks. That's very sad.

I'm definitely going to check out the set of Jeni's tutorials you linked to! Looks really interesting.

Susan said...

You have an impressive stash Jess! And I love how you have them on show! Very pretty!

DeborahGun said...

Lovely Jess - thanks for sharing. I was quite happy to see that your yellow pile was so small - mine is virtually existant, and my pile of blues is definitely the largest too :-)

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

You are soooo organised! Want to come and do mine? It is everywhere!

moira said...

LOVE! I think I may show you mine now

Steffi´s Candy Quilts said...

Yummy stash! I see some fabrics that I have, too. :-) And I think pretty much every quilter has a piece of that Ikea Numbers print. That must be a best seller!

knottygnome said...

seeing glimpses of other people's stashes is so much fun! i am debating contributing but there's the age-old question: do i organize first or do i take a picture of what it really looks like most of the time?

Deborah said...

What a lovely stash! Fun post!!

Nat at Made in Home said...

I love your stash!

Heather D. said...

Wow, I'm always so amazed by everyone's stashes. I have no stash, just leftovers from past projects and a few random pre-cuts that I've bought.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Beautiful and so nicely organised!

Erica said...

Beautiful stash, I love the shelves. My stash is definitely really low on yellows too, I tend to have a hard time finding yellows I like.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

You've got a gorgeous stash. And beautifully arranged :)

Newbie Jen said...

Wow! Just lovely. I am jealous.

Katy Cameron said...

Thanks for the chance to have a nosey :oD For the greens, even after doing the Stash Stack Club for a year, I still don't have a lot that go past mid green (think the flea market fancy seeds you have at the top) I think dark green just isn't in fashion right now!

Katy Cameron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki said...

What a great stash! I wouldn't sleep at all with all that fabric goodness staring me in the face.

nicole said...

Really?, in your bedroom? I would never sleep, i'd be there in the wee hours of the morning still building pretty stacks! Gorgeous stash Jess! I'm so jealous of your AMH's, delicious!

Yvonne Campbell said...

Your stash is beautiful! I love the color coordination and all.

Ella said...

Nice stash! My stash is not organized at all, except in my head.

Charlotte said...

that's extraordinarily tidy! I am impressed (and also slightly ashamed!)

Taos Sunflower said...

I love your stash photos, but didn't see anything that looked like wool yardage on your shelves. If that's true, you don't need to worry about moths, because they don't eat things made from plant fibers. They prefer protein based fibers like wool, silk, alpaca, etc. No sense worrying about them if you don't need to!

RobinSue said...

Seeing your well organized stash makes me think of two things - 1: I need to be better organized and 2: I need to do more shopping. You have beautiful fabrics and I look forward to seeing the great quilts you make from them!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Ohh a lovely neatly folded stash. Mine is due for refolding so thanks for a link to Jeni's tutorial. You have so many gorgeous fabrics. I think the catch of having it in the bedroom would be being tempted to sew when you should be sleeping.

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