Sunday 25 November 2012

{QAL} Block 18 and Schedule Update

Jess put up the final block tutorial in the How Far Will You Go QAL on Friday.

Head on over to Scrappy n Happy for all the details!

We've allowed two weeks for everyone (including me :oP) to catch up on all the blocks - so we'll be back on the 7th of December with some tips on putting the quilt top together.

The schedule for the remainder of the QAL is below - so we've got a fairly long time to get them finished up for the link up (although with all the end of year shenanigans in amongst it, I'm betting it will fly by!).

Week 20 - 7th December: Piecing your quilt top together.
Week 21 - 14th December: Ideas for quilting (with two weeks given for finishing the quilting)
Week 24 - 4th January: Binding your quilt
Week 24 - 11th January: Link up your finished quilt.
Week 25 - 18th January: Prize winners announced.

Don't forget, if you've made anything using any of our block tutorials you can enter them in the small quilted items category. Jess has put together some gorgeous layout ideas for smaller lap sized quilt tops - so if you've only made a few blocks and still want to enter to win some Fat Quarter Shop gift vouchers that's an option too :o)

xx Jess

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