This week was a bit of a bloggy celebration week for me. 200 followers (yay!) and I wrote my 100th blog post earlier in the week (yay again!) Plus I'm still kind of excited about my Fat Quarterly tutorial :o)
So to help me celebrate, the lovely Julie from The Intrepid Thread has offered a fantastic give away. If you don't know The Intrepid Thread, you can find Julie either on Etsy or in her online shop. She carries a fantastic range of up-to-the-minute designer quilting fabric and her customer service is brilliant.
So, to the giveaway! Julie has very generously offered a bundle of 10 fat quarters of the just-released Rhapsodia collection from Art Gallery Fabrics! Sigh. I wish I could win these, they are just gorgeous.
To enter the giveaway:
Simply comment on this blog post and you're in the running to win! If you feel like it, you could let me know what you'd make with this bundle of gorgeousness :o)
Optional extra entries:
* Follow The Intrepid Thread blog and leave me a comment saying you do.
* Follow my blog, and leave me a comment saying you do.
How easy is that! I'll leave the competition open until next Saturday 12th May at 8pm Australian EST, at which time I'll close the comments and draw a random winner.
Update: Comments have how been closed!
Good luck!
xx Jess
1 – 200 of 453 Newer› Newest»Congratulations on 200 followers and 100 blog posts! That's great! I'm getting closer to my 100 post mark, but I'm not even up to 100 followers yet!
I was only looking at Rhapsodia this morning online - isn't it gorgeous? I don't know what I'd do with it if I won, but I know I REALLY want some! Is "sitting and admiring it all day" a valid option??
wow, stunning fabric, so exotic!
I follow you, thanks for the chance!
I also follow intrepid thread, thanks again!
Congratulations on your milestones!! This fabric is just gorgeous and I'd likely use it in a quilt that I have in mind for my daughter since the quilt I made for her twin bed when she moved up to a bed at 3 years old is about ready to start falling to pieces. (She's 21 now and I think its time for a more grown up quilt...)
I follow the Intrepid Thread blog and have for quite some time!
I also follow your blog! :D
200 followers - wow! Congrats! I'd love to win and I would probably make a set of gorgeous pillow cases and a matching bed runner like they have in posh hotels and place it all over crisp white sheets YUM! And a cylinder pillow with homemade piping... Thanks for the chance.
I follow you too :) Thanks for the chance.
Congrats on the milestones. Great giveaway. Di x
I have been a follower since your early posts! Di x
I already follow the Intrepid Thread :)
I don't know what I'd make with these yet (probably stash them for a quilt) but I loveeeeee these colors!
I am a follower of The Intrepid Thread blog. :)
I am also a follower of your blog :) Thanks for the chance, Jess!!
it's always fun to open up your laptop in the morning and be presented with such lovelies!
congratulations and of course I am a follower
It`s a beautiful line and I would love to make a quilt from it. Thanks to you and Julie for a wonderful giveaway.
I`m a very happy follower of Julie!
I`m a very happy follower of you too. Congrats on all your followers and posts!
Congratulations on your fun milestones! Those fabrics are so beautiful, I spent quite a while admiring them the other day on the Art Gallery blog. Thanks!
I'm also a follower of the Intrepid Thread. Thanks!
And of course I follow your blog! Congratulations again!
Ooh that fabric is ADORABLE I have a massive fabric crush!!! Need it need it LOL Cassthecoolest
Ooh that fabric is ADORABLE I have a massive fabric crush!!! Need it need it LOL Cassthecoolest
I am a follower of yours from quite recently, and you'll soon know why :-) Hope that didn't sound stalkerish, it will make sense shortly and I don't have time to stalk anyone so you're safe hehe
And I have just signed up to be an intrepid thread follower. Damn I want that handmade necklace she recently blogged!!
I follow your blog!
I've been looking at this collection, beautiful!
Kari dot stewart at me dot com
I also follow Intrepid Thread and get the newsletter...
Kari dot stewart at me dot com
I think these would make great ruffled skirts for my daughter (maybe me too).
Kari dot stewart at me dot com
Thanks again for the opportunity!
Art Gallery uses the nicest grey goods of any fabric company -- these would make lovely summer clothes for little granddaughters!
Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabrics!!!!
I follow you!!!
Congrats on 200! Gorgeous would make a stunning quilt!
I follow you!
So pretty!! I think they'd be perfect as a few travel bags for me and for gifts :)
I'm a follower of your blog
WOW! Congratulations on all this great news!!
I would definitely add some of this fabric to my Rose Star quilt :)
I follow the Intrepid Thread blog :)
I love following your blog Jess!
Fabulous fabrics! I'd use them to make a picnic quilt for the summer!!
I follow Julie too!
I follow your blog. :)
I also follow the Intrepid Thread blog. :)
This would make an awesome bag or picnic quilt!
I follow the Intrepud thread too!
These fabrics would work wonderfully in my bedroom, so I would make a runner for the bottom of my bed and a couple of pillos. Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow the Intrepid thread blog.
Those are lovely fabrics; would use in a quilt; thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
Follower of your blog; thanks (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
Such pretty fabrics!
I follow the intrepid thread. :)
I'm also a follower of Intrepid Thread blog; love her shop! Thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
Congratulations on 200 followers!
This fabric is so pretty and my bedroom could use a little facelift, I'd probably make a quilt for our master bedroom.
I follow The Intrepid Thread blog.
Wow what beautiful fabric!! I would love to make a quilt with these vibrant colors. Thanks!
I am a follower of the Intrepid Thread :-)
Congratulations on 200! The fabric is gorgeous, very summery. Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow The Intrepid Thread's blog :D
Intrepid Thread is wonderful! I follow and buy, of course.
Thanks for the giveaway; it's beautiful fabric.
what gorgeous fabrics - there are a gazillion things I would make with that, but would probably go for some kind of star quilt. Thanks for the giveaway
And I am already one of your followers, having found your blog at Lilys fresh sewing day
I also follow the intrepid thread blog and have ordered from them too: 1st class service
congrats on 200 followers, :O) lovely fabric
I follow Intrepid's blog :O)
i'm a new follower
I have no idea what I'd make, but it would be beautiful! I've been trying to figure out the perfect project for it for days now! christina112358 at gmail dot com
I follow the Intrepid Thread blog! christina112358 at gmail dot com
Suscribe to intrepid!
art gallery makes such beautiful fabrics!
i follow the intrepid thread!
i am a new follower here!
These would be great fabrics for making a bag!
I am a follower. Congrats on the bloggy milestones!
Congratulations on your blog milestone. Beautiful fabric. I think it would make a beautiful lightweight summer throw with some gorgeous pillows too.
I follow Intrepid thread.
Parabéns e muitas felicidades e alegrias para você.Eu estou com umas ideias na cabeça e esses tecidos viriam a se
Sou seguidora de seu espaço e gosto do que vejo.PARABÉ
Congratulations on your celebrations - both are huge landmarks. I'd love to win these fabulous fabrics.
I follow Intrepid Thread.
Congratulations! I am a follower.
Congrats on 200 followers and 100 blog posts! If I win, I'll make a wild and crazy quilt.
Congratulations on your successful blog -love your posts
Love your blog Jess! Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on the 200 mark!
I follow your blog, of course.
I follow the Intrepid Thread!
I follow the intrepid thread as well.
Congratulations on 20 followers, thanks for the giveaway
Congratulations! I'd make a quilt.
I follow The Intrepid Thread blog. Thanks!
Congratulations on our big milestones! I would like to make a cute bag or summer.
I follow the Intreped Thread blog.
i follow the intrepid thread blog!
I am a new follower. Can't wait to see what you do next.
I,m a follower too
I would love to win this collection - I am collecting fabrics for a bottled rainbows quilt and some of these look like good candidates for some fussy cutting.
I am definitely a follower of Julies - a great fabric source
I follow the intrepid thread.
just signed up as a follower - your next milestone of 500 will some soon I am sure
Not sure what I'd make, but the fabric is gorgeous.
Pillows,pillows, pillows! That's what I would make with this gorgeous fabric!
I am now following you!
I follow Intrepid Threads blog and get their newsletter. BTW, your quilts are fabulous!
Congratulations on your blog milestones! Thanks for all you share and your inspirations!
oh, I am a faithful follower of the Intrepid Thread.
Add me to your list:) I am a Elven Garden follower too!
This fabric says garment to me. I would probably make a really cute skirt with it.
I follow Intrepid Thread
I follow the Intrepid Thread
I'm a new follower of yours!
I just saw this line the other day and I think it's so exciting!
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!!
I would definitely put this beautiful fabric in a bedsize quilt.
I do follow Intrepid Thread
I now follow you also....Intrepid is how I found you.
Congratulations on your 200 followers! I love this fabric! I would love to make a lap quilt with it. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would probably play with something summery. Like a Beach bag.
I follow the Intrepid Thread's blog. I love her shop.
I am a new Follower of yours (GFC) and also reading in Google Reader. Found you thru Intrepid Thread blog.
I Follow the Intrepid Thread blog and read it in Google Reader.
Congrats on your 100 th blog post and your 200 followers :o) Thanks for the chance to win, I would like to sew a skirt for myself!
I'm already a follower of your blog :o)
Congrats! I would love to make a quilt or purse with this stuff, gorgeous.
I follow Julie, love her.
And I now follow you =)
Gorgeous! Thanks for the chance! Wouldn't it make a cute little toiletry bag?
I follow Intrepid Thread!
I already follow The Intrepid Thread
Wow, great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a follower of your blog.
I follow the Intrepid Thread Blog. Congrats on 200 followers.
Congratulations on reaching such huge milestones for your blogging. These are beautiful fabrics that would find their way into a quilt (for me) and/or perhaps a sweet top for one of my baby grandnieces.
Very pretty fabrics. Would definitely want to make quilt with them.
I follow Intrepid Thread.
I love this line. I want to make a purse out of it for the summer. Then a blouse.
I am a follower of Intrepid Thread's blog.
I am now following your blog.
Love the prints!
Congratulations on your blog milestones. If I were to win the fabric, I just might make some throw pillows.
I follow the Elven Garden.
I follow the Intrepid Thread blog.
I would make a glorious summer quilt. All for me!!!
Ah, the wonderful AGF fabrics - one is more beautiful than the other! I would definitely make some thing that I would SEE every day (a quilt, wall art, home decor...) because these fabrics just make me so happy! :)
Congratulations on 221 followers! I'm a new follower (#221 actually)
I also follow the intrepid thread
I am now following your blog!
This is my fav new line right now - would love to have some! Congrats on 200!!
Love and follow Intrepid Thread too!
and last but not least these fabrics are gorgeous! thanks for the chance to win
I am already a follower! :-)
Lovely fabric giveaway.....not sure what I would make out of it yet...would probably just enjoy looking at it for awhile.
I follow The Intrepid Thread.
Congrats on reaching two important milestones. This fabric is wonderful, thanks for hosting the giveaway, and thanks to the sponsor as well.
I'm an Intrepid Thread Follower.
I just became a follower of your blog.
And now I'm your newest follower - that's me over there, the really good looking guy, with no picture.
Wow, what lovely colors! Congrats - sounds like it's party time! :)
I've seen this fabric on Art Gallery's FB page and fell in love with it.. Thanks for a chance to win some
I follow Julie.
I think for a while I would frame this beautiful fabric collection...I can't take my eyes off of it. Then I would make a quilted table runner for my buffet and a throw quilt to wrap myself in the dream-i-ness of the fabric.
sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com
I follow The Intrepid Thread! :D
sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com
that fabric is stunning and I think it would be fabulous as a quilt or better yet as a patchwork skirt for me!
I follow The Intrepid Thread
I am very tempted to try to make a swirl skirt. Sew pretty. Mary
I follow the Intrepid Thread
This fabric is gorgeous!
I follow the Intrepid thread :-)). Mary
Gratzy on your bloggy milestones! 200 followers is fantastic! :)
I follow the Intrepid Thread blog. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Double congrats! Thanks for this terrific give-away.
I have followed you for a few months! Thanks for the chance to win!
I totally agree, this colle ton is to die for! Thank you both for sharing.
I have followed Julie since last November!
I follow the intrepid thread
I follow the elven garden
I am a new follower :-)) Mary
Congrats on the milestones and thanks so much for the chance. I would make purses out of this pretty fabric.
I already follow the Intrepid Thread blog :o)
I'm one of your followers :o)
I see you already passed 200! YAY! Keep goin! :)
I just became a new Follower of your Blog....found you thru Intrepid Thread Blog.
I have been an Intrepid Threads Blog follower for good while now too.
Thanks for chance to win! :)
I'm an intrepid thread follower.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Wowie! Not sure WHAT I'd make with these AWESOME fabrics!! LOVE the colors & patterns.......think I'd HAVE to make somethin' for ME! LOL
Thanks so much for chance to win! :)
Isn't blogging fun! Congrats.Intrepid Thread is always getting such fabulous fabric. thanks for a chance to win some.
yes I do follow the intrepid thread blog. Thanks
Yes I am now a follower of your site.
I follow Julie's blog!
I'd make a Kaleidoscope quilt with this bundle of gorgeousness, the patterns are crying for it!
I'm a follower of The Intrepid Thread blog.
And now I'm a follower of yours, too.
Congrats to your YAYs!
These fabrics make my heart sing!
IT follower!
TEG follower!
wow! I'd probably make some cute baby girl dresses :)
And, I follow the Intrepid thread blog :)
gorgeous fabrics! :)
I have no idea what I would make but I sure like the colors and prints so I would love to win.
I am a follower of The Intrepid Thread via Google Reader.
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