Thanks for your lovely comments on my Wild Goose Chase medallion earlier in the week. I've been mostly working on other projects since then, but did put together the blocks I
thought I'd use for the second border. And then promptly fell completely out of love. Actually it's more a feeling of ambivalence verging on hate at the moment. This is a common problem for me - I will get completely obsessed with certain projects, and then if they don't work quite how I'd hoped I get really annoyed and stop. So I guess this post is me thinking aloud and trying to build up motivation to keep trying :o)

My intention for this quilt is to have quite a lot of negative space with splashes of colour provided by the various 'geese'. Having put these blocks together though, it isn't heading where I want it to. The biggest problem I see with these blocks is the size - I think they would look far, far better smaller (which is what I'll try next.) I also think a narrow grey border between the centre block and first border might be effective (something else I will play with). I'm not sure what possessed me to use the grey prints for the background either - I will probably be changing those to white or cream based light value prints for the next try. Any other ideas for making it work are very welcome!
On the plus side, I do have a bunch of blocks that I really like and that will make a good start toward another quilt. It will be fun to play around with the placement and see what secondary patterns I can create with the light/medium grey background prints. So maybe not a complete fail, just a disappointing set-back :o)
On a more positive note, I'll leave you with a little teaser...
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
xx Jess