Wednesday, 18 April 2012

WIP Wednesday: HST finishes!

Wow, this is my third post today. Heh. The other two were Festival of HST entry posts though so I really did have to split it into separate posts...

Anyway. I have had two finishes in the last couple of days. My Outfoxed on the High Seas quilt (you can read more about it here)

And my Rainbow Trail mini (blogged here)

Mojo is definitely back I'm happy to say! So plans for this week are to put together my iPad case I mentioned last Wednesday (didn't get any further than a few drawings and picking the fabric) and my biggest boy's giant chevron quilt. I am getting frequent 'so where's my quilt, mum?' so I really need to do that before I get onto anything else!

WIP stats for this week:

New Projects: 1
* Giant chevron quilt for Finn 

Finished: 2

In progress: 5
* iPad case
* Retro flowers QAL - at fabric selection stage still. So undecided about what to use!
* Baby quilt - no progress
* Swoon - completed 5/9 blocks (no progress)
* Stained QAL - no progress

Long term WIPs: 3
* Outfoxed on the High Seas  DONE!! Yay!
* Fandango
* Pop garden
plus a few other abandoned projects that may never see the light of day again ;) 

I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced - go check out what awesome stuff everyone's been doing :o)

xx Jess


Katy Cameron said...

Well done on both finishes, they look fab! Yay for returning mojo too, I think mine's asserting itself this week too, with the promise of fun things to make just for me...

Betty said...

beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

Jessica Kelly said...

Yay for finding your quilty mojo! Your outfoxed is just amazing, love the rainbow version too!

Deborah said...

Seeing your stunning work inspires my mojo to get going!

Teresa F. said...

Awesome finishes. Well done!

The Thompsons said...

Simply awesome and gorgeous - for both of them! Yay for the mojo coming back! :)

Ronny said...

So pretty! I just printed out your tutorial for these blocks. Hope to dive in soon!

Molly said...

both of these quilts are divine, good work!

Cherie said...

Great to hear you have your sewing mojo back! Can't wait to see some of those WIPs finished! =D

Heather D. said...

The rainbow trail mini is AWESOME. I love it!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Yeah mojo!! Looks like it's back in full force :)