
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Random housekeeping

Blogging has taken a bit of a back seat for me over the last few months, with everything else going on. Thanks so much to all of the emails and messages you've sent wishing my partner luck with his surgery and checking how I'm going - it means the world to me that I have so much support from my quilty friends. The surgery went really well and he's back home recuperating, which is a massive relief for all of us. And I'm finally getting my sewing mojo back which is awesome!

I need to announce some winners! Mr Random chose Jess, Jen and Alyce for the Pay It Forward winners - I will email you ladies soon and get your address details, and you'll recieve a surprise parcel from me in the next twelve months. The winner of the Block Flower pattern is Karen (aka Capitola Quilter). A massive thanks to all of you who have bought my pattern so far - it is still half price for another week too :o)

I have a few bits of sponsor news to share with you too. Polkadottea Fabrics announced the first round of their Liberty Club last month (which filled up within the first week!) and have just started taking sign ups for round two - head over to PolkaDotTea for all the details. I signed up for the first round, and am absolutely delighted with my first parcel of Liberty beauties - these ladies have fabulous taste in fabric. There are quite a few of us who intend on making a Farmers Wife sampler quilt with these beauties, so there may be an unofficial QAL happening at some stage soon. I'm intending on finally cutting into my Oakshott colour box combined with my Liberty stash to make some kind of sampler quilt (when I get a chance to start!)

One of my other sponsors - Sew Fresh Fabrics - are having a huge sale until this weekend - 30% off store-wide if you use the coupon code summer2014. Peg has loads of awesome fabric in stock, so it's a great opportunity to grab some serious bargains!

xx Jess


  1. What a pretty bundle of fabrics! I joined round two and am really looking forward to adding some Liberty into a EPP project I have going.

  2. Glad to hear things are on the right track with your partner :) Liberty fabric is awesome. I have a pile of it too, that I use for a special (and very slow moving) EPP project.

  3. Glad to hear that your husband’s surgery went well! Take care!

  4. SQUEAL! Oh yay, thank you!! And very happy to hear your husband is home again :)

  5. Yay! So excited! I'm glad your hubby is on the road to recovery!

  6. Glad to hear 'tother half is back where he belongs again, hope things are getting easier round there. Looks like you have some lovely fabric to keep you going anyway!

  7. Glad to hear he's doing well!! <3

  8. So glad to hear he's on the mend! I'll be sending good vibes for continued good health. :-)

  9. I am such a slacker with my blog reading lately. I'm sorry that I was not up to speed with all things elven. Glad to hear that hubster is doing ok. Big hugs from up here



Thank you for commenting! I love to get feedback (good and bad) on my projects - it's what keeps me blogging :o)