
Wednesday 19 June 2013

WIP Wednesday

Wow, I've been unusually quiet around here, haven't I? I've sat at the computer a few times to write a post, but haven't really had much to say. It's been incredibly grey and rainy for the last week or so, which makes me perpetually grumpy - and it seems to affect my motivation to blog, and read blogs (I have around 750 unread posts in my blog reader. I will get to them, eventually!) I have been sewing a fair bit, but most of what I've been doing I can't show you yet. So it's just some sneak peeks today ;o)

This one has a name (at last!!) and is 90% quilted - I'm hoping to knock over the last bit tomorrow, and get the binding on, fingers crossed.

I've started another (secret) project as well - using this stack of loveliness:

I've been wanting to make a quilt using this palette for a long, long time (plus, it gave me an excuse to buy some of Denyse's Shelburne Falls ;o) ) Most of them are Shelburne Falls, but I've added a few other blue and navy fabrics, and paired them with some low volume greys. Between taking this photo and starting cutting, I have actually changed my mind on a few - but you get the idea.

I hope everyone is having a great week. I'll be back tomorrow with my post for the Kate Spain Blog Hop!

xx Jess


  1. Oooh, I love the look of your secret project! My computer is not being co-operative and refuses to show me the other photo, but I bet its lovely too!

  2. Your new fabric choices are wonderful- perfect for a southern hemisphere winter! Your 90% finished quilt is great too! I'll be looking for the full reveal soon!

  3. That top one has just been killing me, i need to see it! And your stack for the next secret project is gorgeous as well!

  4. The sneak peek looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  5. You and your secrets...haha. I'm sure the project will be worth the wait for us loyal readers. :)

  6. I wondered where you got off too! Sorry its been so dreary. It has a tendency to mess with my foo too. Sending lots of sunshine and rainbows your way!

  7. those fabrics look gorgeous together!

  8. I love the fabrics you are working with and that colour palette. I about 1700 unread blogs in my reader, and am too catching up. Today I will be travelling home from my piece of out of town work for the summer and can't wait to catch up.

  9. I'm seriously <3'ing that fabric pull! I've been wanting to work with something similar ever since stumbling upon this photo on flickr last month:

    Can't wait to see what all these secrets are about!

  10. Wonderful colours in both photos. You have really great taste. Can't wait to see what you do with the fabrics in the second picture.

  11. The weather in Hudson Valley, NY has been dismal too, UNTIL today.
    It's one of those top 10 best weather days, at last....and where am I working inside at my part-time job. I hope you get some better weather soon. It definately helps with creativity and productivity. Love your fabrics, and can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  12. we've suddenly got summer, and I,m too hot to sew! love the fabric combo

  13. Your quilting is amazing! Love the fabrics in the second photo too.

  14. Whatever that silver toned quilt is, is fabulous! Because you've used so many different values, it has a lovely depth to it.... Like a storm cloud! Excited to see the whole thing!

  15. oh my, I sense another jesstriumph!

  16. Given that it's taken a week and a half since I got back from holiday to even catch up down to here, I can't comment on absences ;o) I like how you talked yourself into going shopping though :oD


Thank you for commenting! I love to get feedback (good and bad) on my projects - it's what keeps me blogging :o)